Understanding and Self Acceptance Where You Are

Where you are right now is pivotal to making all your dreams come true. Self acceptance is your ticket. Give yourself permission to be. Disregard the urgency of certainty and jump into self acceptance.

You’re Ahead of the Starting Line.

Having an Opinion About Yourself

Your reflection is foggy because there’s no sense of outline. The person you describe as the self has been spoon fed. A mix of all the things your parents have said you are. Adding in all the way friends have described you. When the question comes around how would you describe yourself. It feels like there’s no quite right answer.

I learned that my opinion of myself and quality of the day to day has improved when I got over the fear of being seen as wrong. Especially when it comes to myself.

Why You’re Always in Motion

The change you’re looking for is in the time spent social media scrolling. When the mind is always busy, she always has a task to finish. If you’re new here, maybe more than one. The mind needs a break to stand in place. The urges in silence speak to the girl who you’ve been hiding from.

What used to keep me on social media so long, and trips me up occasionally. Is that being an observer to the glamour of another woman’s life was an escape. I could escape that resistance of having to go through the process and be uncomfortable. I promise you, every time I’ve done something. That I don’t look forward to doing? My confidence rockets!

Keep Being Sensitive

The world knows no greater superpower than a woman’s sensitivity. Every time you’ve been brushed off for being too sensitive, something happens. Someone’s discomfort with themselves has been exposed. The gift of being sensitive is being keenly aware of the heartbeat of the world around you. Make it even more important to lean into self acceptance.

Women are creatures of flow. Let’s embrace change.

There is no stopping a woman who is radically accepts herself.

Confidence From Discomfort

How to Improve Self Talk

The way you to talk to and about yourself is accurate. Self deprecating jokes solidifies a shadow instead of self image. The mind has an unmatched ability to show thoughts as fact. How you talk to yourself is weaved through repetition.

It’s more comfortable to say only variations of what’s been told to you. Take the time to dig for what intuition says truly comes from within. Your inner it girl is always trying to talk to you.

How to Compare Yourself to Others

Comparison is a tool that loses its effect when when used frequently. Comparison turns into jealousy when there is no credit to the self. It’s important to never discount that what you see of the world is always obscured. Misfortunate and discomfort will always take a back seat to big moments and fruits of labor.

Discover Your Habits and Hobbies

Rediscover yourself outside social media scrolling. What did you like to do as a kid? Especially lean into something you weren’t good at. Separating sense of self from accomplishment starts with habits and hobbies.

Learning to enjoy for sake of enjoyment is peak feminine energy. Indulge enjoyment without talent and it also makes spending time alone something to look forward to.

Keep building wisdom through courage with these reads:

Self Concept


Daily Pampering

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