The Optimistic Nature of Femininity

Optimism is a chance to create space for the best possible outcome. Befriend optimism through courage and confidence. The world will open up around you. Who says lucky girl syndrome isn’t a thing? Between moments of laughter and reflection optimism. Is a woman’s refuge of creativity and flow. There’s enough people in the world dotting on the worst case scenario.

Optimism Brings Good Luck

What’s Luck and Chance?

You know, luck is born through action. Suddenly, there’s a chance. To do something really nice. Something you’ve never done. You’ve always wanted to do it, though. There’s that — hesitation of weighing risk and reward.

The heart leaping moment stretches on. Do you take the leap? The right decision is to leap. There’s no downside to adventure. What feels at risk, is the ego. Ego isn’t fond of intuition.

The second half to luck is always the reception. Why question lady luck? Luck is the cherry on top of hard work and dedication. You are lucky and it was earned. They are two sides of the same coin. Luck comes easier when you don’t give up. Make it a practice to remind yourself that luck usually doesn’t work alone. She has her eye on you and will play her hand accordingly.

I know for me, there’s been plenty of moments of feeling uncomfortable. With the idea of being considered lucky. It offended the part of me that works so hard and is always trying to improve. We have to be diligent when it comes to respecting our effort. And, still knowing that hard work alone doesn’t do it all. The mindset around luck is always keen to opportunity.

Manifesting the Best Case Scenario

You’re going to be one of those women that good things happen to. Manifesting is most powerful when energy is light. Positive outcome is guaranteed when valuing experience over gratification. Less getting caught up in the details and more building out the process. What you’re manifesting is born in you first. Then, you create lily pads of optimism to guide them to fruition.

For the skeptical woman, manifesting is a wish. Something you say and then sit back. This misconception creates the false idea that any one can bring in opportunity. Without creating something in return. The ease in manifesting is leaning into the process, the journey. And then, guiding the outcome. Keeping goals clear! While instilling confidence of a favorable outcome.

Manifesting is a practice in the faith of your abilities. To show up for yourself authentically and consistently. To find the good and gratitude in every situation. Manifesting is asking you to lean towards a positive what if. Work towards what if’s that upgrade you. Versus feeding the gnarly beast that’s imposter syndrome and self doubt.

Embracing Endless Gratitude

Gratitude journaling leaves little emotional breadcrumbs for reminiscing. Reading back a gratitude journal is the perfect reminder. You have experienced good things. Good things know you’re looking for them. Gratitude is the rock when the negative death spiral is at the brink of taking you under.

Gratitude also creates this wonderful opportunity to indulge and enjoy. Through out the day, you’ll be on the hunt for things to add to your gratitude list. It’s a reminder that there’s always the choice to act differently. Always being on the look out for gratitude eases anxiety.

The uncertainty of the future is guided by gratitude. Even if you don’t know what’s coming next. There’s a little golden something waiting to be found. Being grateful also encourages expressing affection towards the people we care about. There’s no such thing as being too grateful for someone.

Optimism makes you prettier through association.

How to Lean into Being More Optimistic

Create Moments to Smile and Laugh

Memories that bring smiles have a superpower. Follow the rhythm of serendipity! Smile when life is cute, silly and heart warming. The benefits of a warm smile and a belly laugh flow from one day to the next. When you’re being told that laughter is healing. It’s a way of saying that the world has a microscope over many molehills. The woman who takes herself too seriously has been told that nothing works that way. Well optimism is the key to see the magic. Match the solemn of serious contemplation with the subtly of smiling.

I consider the days where my face hurts from smiling a job well done. All other kinds of accomplishment are kind of the toppings on my happy sundae. Being considered a happy and bubbly person. It’s important to note that, you can make a habit out of optimism. Being the optimist one doesn’t make you naive or childish. It makes you a person that creates light, and that’s a blessing.

When the day is in the muck and grime, hang on to the good moments. Like listening to your favorite album. Or remembering a joke that only you think is really funny. Once you start smiling more and laughing. Being a more happy person.

Optimism becomes a part of you. Optimism is the perfect example of creating something out of nothing. Choosing to feel good is always in your back pocket for emergencies.

Being a Mindful Woman

Imagine you can plant seeds from the root of your feet. The hidden relief from simply leaning into being is powerful. Never to be taken lightly, mindfulness reinforces optimism. The mind is usually unaware of the when. Getting caught up in the future or the past keeps you in a loop. But, when you bring a focus to the moment? Magic happens in the moment. Intuition gives mindfulness a quiet, unshakeable strength.

Engage fully in what’s in front of you. The shiniest moments of the day are usually hidden in the mundane. Stop running away from the rut to social media. Lean into the task at hand. Let yourself be bored. Being bored is fun because it clears head room to create. And, sometimes, stopping and doing nothing. Feels just right.

Be open to being lifted out of a funk. The funk is passing visitor not the root of your being. The more you’re able to disconnect from the madhouse of thoughts. The more refreshed you come out. The best version of you comes with a clear mind. Create flow to keep thoughts going. The focus always being, right now.

Why You Should Always Find Time For Reflection

99% of women don’t take the chance to give themselves credit. The way you celebrate success is directly related to mindful reflection. Most of the time you’re maddeningly unaware of just how far you’ve come. Where you grew and when you started facing the sun. Finding a connected way to reflect is healing on any occasion.

Feelings aren’t meant to live in the body. Find an exit for all those emotions. Every day, feelings are guiding you through. As women we’ve been restricted into believing that it’s best to put a bow on it for later. Later comes, feeling pass. And the scenario comes again.

Each time feeling less real. Without reflections emotions don’t stay on track. They’re analyzed and moved on. With no actual understanding, they bubble up to the point that they cannot be ignored. Drowning in them instead of drowning them out.

Reflecting is where you learn the “why” of who you are. It gives you patience with yourself and your place in the world. Reflecting is a way to validate what you’ve experienced. You give your expressions a home outside of yourself. And it makes them precious.

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Dark Femininity

Use Being Perceived to Your Advantage

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