Better Emotional Self Care To Be Effortless Every Day

Imagine if there wasn’t a thing someone can say or do to take away from your composure. Walking into a room, there’s little that could sway you. And, yet, there’s this magnetism that hints towards a quiet confidence.

Make emotional intelligence effortless

Emotional Intelligence: The ability to manage and accept your emotions. While be considerate of the emotions of others.

Start Managing Expectations

Most of all, it's important to manage expectations to avoid disappointment. It's such a potent emotion that colors the rest of the day's experience. Bouncing back from experiences is all in expectations. There's always the strong feminine urge to fret. It always turns out better when we ride the wave rather than try to control the tide.

Considering Other's Feelings

There's always space to be considerate of the feelings of others. Do not be bound by it. Intuition serves well in guiding towards the best middle ground. The middle ground is found by being a good listener. Respecting your own feelings sometimes feels uncomfortable. But, when we start understanding our own feelings, we create space to understand others. Trusting intuition and understanding other's feelings is still rooted in the self.

Move: Deep Breathes and Stretches

Women thrive by being slow and intentional. Reconnecting with that sense of stillness brings out the foundation of peace. Every deep breathe and soul reaching stretch creates a protective canvas for any incoming emotional stirs. Gifting commitment to stretchness and the stillness that follows. Gives you precious seconds to regroup and reset. Intuition works best from stillness.

An emotionally intelligent woman always appears effortless.

How to Create Emotional Balance

Embrace Detachment

Big swings in different emotional directions is exhilarating in her own right. The purpose being served is that we're feeling and wholy being. The returns of this kind of emotional labor is in reflection. The balance act that fuel women in this is temporary. Big emotions out live their purpose when left still to spoil and fester. Practicing detachment at it's core is figuring out the lifespan of the emotion so that it's always working to protect the self.

Have More Gratitude

When rooted in gratitude, little can effect our emotional state long term. Gratitude creates more joy from nothing. It lets you reminisce and daydream. Fueling courage and confidence. women have a superpower. Our ability to alchemize emotions to fuel longer and more effectively. Starting from a place of gratitude as often as possible. Melts the world into the palm of the hand.

Create Space for Optimism

Always lean into optimism. The reasons not to are rooted in a space of rigid expectation. Feminine energy is fueled by creating the space in which the best scenario is possible. It’s a more relaxed approach to combat the urge to fret. Optimism says there’s something good to find here. It’s in the journey, and hopefully the result. It’s beautiful that optimism isn’t an exact science. It always gives you a chance to create another path.

Emotional self care is a rewarding tool for self discovery. Satisfy the curiosity of your emotional sphere with these reads:

How to Approach Detachment

Daily Pampering Sessions

How to Respect Your Emotions

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