What Your Divine Feminine is Telling You About Patience

A patient woman is awe inspiring because she is effortlessly prepared. Thankfully, patience has little to do with luck or genetics. Practice patience to build feminine intuition and support emotional understanding. Being patient makes for wonderful company even when alone. You’ll come to crave me time more than expected!

Be relentless about improving your mindset. Experiences take as long as they need to. They take the perfect amount of time. What comes to you is always in perfect time. Release expectations from outcomes. Let experiences stand on their own merit. Feminine intuition guarantees something to gain from every experience.

Especially the mundane.

Patience will Always Reward You

A woman who is patient is observant. A well spoken woman is patient. Being emotionally intelligent is built through patience. So much of being a feminine woman invites you to have patience and have grace.

Patience is understanding by nature. You can be patient without letting others walk all over you. Patience is a powerful tool that helps the journey towards goals feel more enjoyable.

Patience is Slow and Steady

You will get more when approaching things slow and steady. Embrace things being one task at a time. Multitasking is the quickest way to miss out on serendipity.

Let activities take as long as they need to. Feminine energy is nurtured through being in that moment. It's beautiful because this moment is only here right now. The past and future are a form of procrastination.

The peace from simply being embodies the divine feminine.

Being slow at a task is simply giving fit your full attention. Building up your attention can feel uncomfortable. Because we’re used to instant gratification. Most things worth learning and experiencing aren’t as extreme.

This is how I figured out how to make time. When I take the time to do solely one task, it gets done quicker and correctly.

Things that used to take me 30 minutes take 20. And those 20 minutes still feel like 30. In that way, I've discovered time travel. Getting the most of each experience.

Most experiences will only slightly lean towards a positive or negative experience. Start to think of experiences as scenes in a movie. Create those same moments of adventure and reflection.

Moments of momentum are more impactful when paired with times of boredom.

Resilience and the Patience to Try Again

Failure is part for the course of the flow of feminine energy. Slowly working overcoming challenges and discomfort is romantic. Be patient with the outcome and keep focus on the process.

When something is hard, it’s because there’s a lack of tools to tackle the opportunity at hand. You’ll get better at doing hard things. You’re capable of doing things that challenge you. It’s best if that challenging feeling doesn’t leave. Because, in committing to do something the lack of experience. You gain confidence.

There’s something to gain from every repeated experience. Your feminine energy mature through repeated exposure to activities that lean into flow. Building a habit of patience feels good. Especially when you have those moments of serendipitous creation or self discovery. Usually in the form of forgotten hobbies and fond flashbacks.

Patience Leads to Understanding

When something doesn’t make sense. It’s trying your patience. Understanding something or someone takes time. It takes investment. The decision you need to make is whether the end result will nurture your divine feminine. Will this nurture your feminine energy?

To be patient is to understand.

Please remember that understanding something doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Take what serves you, and leave the rest. Usually the frustration comes from over relying on instant gratification.

There is always something to gain from the amount of time invested in exploring the kind of life you want to have. The sense of accomplishment only grows with time. You’re going to be less likely to cave when it comes to bad habits.

Being patient creates fondness through feminine energy.

Divine Feminine Patience Practice

Create fondness through romanticizing the adventure. Start to document life. All those random thoughts and little ideas are precious. You get to build this beautiful self image that comes from experience and reflection. As compared to living up to who you’re told to be. The woman who is enjoyable to be around indulges patience and grace in the moment.

Patience is a muscle that needs to stretched and built. Let yourself be bored for 5 minutes straight. This helps nurture your feminine energy through stillness.

Embrace monotasking, it trains the mind to take in the whole experience of the moment. Do the same things until you’re bored. That boredom will create a path. When you’re doing hair, makeup or skin care really tune back in to the body. Focus where you might be feeling tension and release. During the day, steady your voice. Take time to process the information in front of you before responding.

When you’re bored, you’re practicing patience. Patience lets divine feminine intuition flow. Documenting progress towards your current ideal can help you practice patience. Use documenting as a reflecting practice. Smile to yourself as big as you would like at the small wins. Small wins build patience. Big wins build momentum. Imagine this: You’re always winning.

My most aligned ideas came from moments of reflection. Journaling. Washing my hair. Especially doing my skincare! I took advantage of silence in the shower. Mundane chores, and hobbies that hands on. It helps me create moments of flow and intuition. Between my camera roll, notes app, and journal? Endless nostalgia and fondness.

Patience is a foundational piece to discovering your femininity. You are the main character! Lean into self discovery with these articles:

Become your own muse

Self care Sunday

Dark Femininity

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