Self Care Sunday for the Feminine and Girly

In one day, a week, supercharge feminine energy. The more time available for you the better. The part of filling your cup often gets overshadowed by the constant rush of responsibilities. Being good to yourself is the biggest responsibility you have. Lacking dedication to self is what makes every other task an uphill battle.  

Increase confidence in yourself by sticking to one day, one hour of one day. A set amount of time this week and every week to indulge guilt free. Self care Sunday becomes more and more guilt free when there’s more to go around because you’re not pouring from empty.  


Pedicures are Underrated 

Pedicures are a guaranteed boost to self esteem and confidence. The night before, set up the perfect foot spa. Pick out a peachy nude color that matches your skin tone and gather your tools! Giving yourself a pedicure regularly prevents concerns of rough dry feet piling on. Plus looking down and seeing your pretty piggies is always a confidence boost because it’s a personal reminder that you’re embracing a bit of vanity and that you’re a capable provider of happiness.  

Having soft skin is one of the best feelings, why neglect the feet? As women there’s a tendency to neglect what is felt to be undesirable. Part of learning relentless self love is also taking care of every part of you. Especially the parts that are considered undesirable. This is a step towards erasing the idea that what’s important to you has to be from others. The importance of a task is going to come from within.  


Start Reading More 

The key to reading more books is putting it down after the first page. That’s how you’ll know which books speak to you. Starting with fiction will get you into a reading habit if the last book you picked up was for a school assignment. If you’re getting back into reading, switching it up with nonfiction will light the fire of what makes books so enjoyable again. Getting time away from screens to read is a nice rest for your brain! You’re going to feel so refreshed after a good reading session. 

Combining reading with journaling is a winning combination. You'll understand more of what’s interesting. Letting you form opinions on topics and being able to fully engage in conversations. The biggest part of making conversation interesting is the depth in which you can talk about it.  

Picking up a Few Hands on Hobbies 

The first hour with a hobby, turns into 10 hours. Embroidery, sewing, dance, playing an instrument, playing with your makeup, doing your hair. Everything that gets hands on gives the brain some much needed time to focus on the task at hand. Today’s world is absolutely determined to numb the mind. Hands on hobbies nurture it. Nurturing the mind with hands on hobbies gives you a safe space to go. Away from the scrolling, the news, the seemingly all-encompassing negativity. 

If you’re stumped on how to spend time alone without endless hours wasted scrolling, get up and something. Get excited, especially if you aren’t that good at it. The brain loves a good challenge! Hands on hobbies also help you get to know anger languages and how you deal with things that are different. 

 Why stop at Sundays? There’s a little femininity for every day with these reads:

Amazing Reads

Power in Movement

Becoming Your Own Muse

Share this post with your favorite people! What are you going to try for Self Care Sunday? Let me know in the comments! Also let me know if you prefer a different day of the week for self care. 


The Journey of Becoming Your Own Muse


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