Creating Power Through Movement

The idea of enjoying movement is fundamentally feminine.

Movement is directly connected to patience, intuition and feeling pretty too. It’s something that’s directly in your control and discretion.

The lounging around after feels much more satisfying after moving around for a while!  


Having a Nurtured Body Mind Connection 

Restlessness is a product of a loose body to mind connection. A big part of every workout is form. Your form is reflection of how focused the body and mind are connected. Regardless of exercise, the best sessions capitalize on clearing the mind.

The sense of peace from only needing focus on movement creates a lot of space. Both in muscle and mind, there is a sense of newness.   

When someone says form over repetitions, that’s the time you slow down. When racing through a workout, you’ll end it feeling depleted and overwhelmed.

Exercises done at a slow intention pace with good form. Always outweigh any time or rep personal records.  

Great ideas tend to come from an okay workout.

Making Yourself Crave Movement

Movement is an extension of yourself, invest in the right one. Usually, the reason you can’t stick to that workout is because the body is resisting.

Your body resisting makes progress more difficult but also creates a sense of dread in the mind. Be curious about different workouts, try different movements.

Work the same body parts in refreshing ways. Maybe it’s this move from Pilates, and this lifting session for that specific training in that area. It’s the right workout when you accidentally overdo it on the first day because it feels like a fun challenge.  

Take notice if you like to move at a naturally quicker pace. Or prefer moving in ways that require you to hold longer positions.

Moving in ways that feel natural will make you want to do them more. This could also vary on the body part of focus.  

Benefits of Consistency in Movement 

Having a silent mind favors a body in motion. One of the most effective ways to silence the mind is focused movement. Most people would point to yoga as the one and only option. In reality, any focused movement requires form.

With that focus, all other stressors melt away. When you solidify in the mind that movement will bring you peace in the moment and dopamine after it’ll be routine.

You’ll look forward to the intense focus and the mood lift.  

Once you shift focus away from movement being a solely numbers game. It becomes something to look forward to every day. Because the dread you’re feeling comes from connecting results to worth.

You need to pick the right results. When done in a way that’s consistent and approachable.

Better mental and physical health will show up way before anything else. 

Power is more than just physical strength. These reads marry physical and mental strength without compromising femininity:

Start Taking Care of Your Body

Pampering Yourself

More Green in Your Mental Garden

Make sure to share this with your favorite people! Let me know if this post was helpful in the comments. What’s your favorite workout right now? Hot girl walks count! Let me know in the comments!  

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